SEM Officer Training

Last Updated on October 21, 2019 by

New Officers – IEEE SEM Section:

Several officers have recently approached me with ‘how to’ questions that lead me to believe that I have not sent the enclosed message to each of our new officers, or that some have yet to actually work through the on-line training modules.  If so, consider this your notice, and my plea to review the materials on the ‘Training’ page.  It should help make your function as an IEEE officer easier.

This is a slightly modified version of the general officer training plan, first launched on March 28, 1015.  Experience from some officers reporting back to me suggests that with a modest effort, all the current modules can be easily covered in the 2-4 week period in 20-30 minute ‘blocks’ of time, when convenient for your schedule.   I recommend that you begin working through the training modules now, and keep a look out for messages about new and/or revised modules in the future.   New modules will be announced through the SEM Officer’s e-mail notification system as they are created.  (As an officer, you will receive the announcements automatically.)  

Note: This training is directed toward ‘familiarity’ not ‘mastery’.  Don’t try to absorb everything on a first viewing.  Just soak up what sticks.  You will remember where to return later if, or when, you decide you need a ‘refresher’.


Virtual Officer Training Plan:

The SEM Officer on-line virtual training modules are available through the SEM Website Training page at:

The recommended sequence for review may be downloaded from the training page.  It is module #55.

The link below should provide a direct download capability for that PDF file.

55  Officer Training Plan (PDF) Matrix Staged Plan for Virtual Officer Training

At the top and bottom of the SEM Training Webpage are links to the Google Forum page where questions about the training may be submitted.  Those questions trigger a link to my personal e-mail, so that they may be answered as soon as practical.

Modules shown in yellow remain to be completed.  Ignore those for the present.  Slight changes in the use of some vTools may require updates on some modules but, the basic information will remain the same.   You may notice some differences between the training modules and the actual on-line operation.  These will be corrected as the vTools committee completes its current update schedule.

Good Luck & Regards,


Kimball Williams N8FNC NCE

IEEE SEM Section Information Management Coordinator –

and – Curmudgeon at Large 

Ph: 313-355-4396