IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section FAQ
Version 1.0 – Thursday, May 30, 2024
Created/Edited/Maintained by Sharan Kalwani

Q1) Is it possible to pre-pay in advance for multiple years?  Is that cheaper?
A1) Yes! You may pay for multiple years in advance for up to five years. For a three-year membership, it is 10% off. For a five-year membership, it is 20% off.

Q2) Can we xfer our membership dues from 1 society to another mid-way thru the year?
A2) Yes, you can. But it requires that you call the IEEE membership Services Helpdesk at the 800 #.

Q3) I would like to submit a paper at an upcoming IEEE conference close to my geographic area. How can I find a list of such conferences?
A3) You are in luck! Recently someone asked this and here is a set of short URL quick links. Hope this helps…

  1. Anywhere in the Mid West (aka Region 4): https://bit.ly/4bE8Xaq
  2. Anywhere in the USA: https://bit.ly/3WQ2rcw
  3. Anywhere in Globally: https://bit.ly/3yu0OXP

Q4) How can I get on the IEEE mailing list?
A4) We do not maintain any general IEEE mailing list. That is done by IEEE-HQ. When we send out any email notification (e.g. newsletter, local technical event, meet and greet social activity, etc.) we rely on the IEEE-HQ database to send these out. You should ensure that you IEEE.org profile is up to date (a common malaise) and that you have “opted-in” for local communications.

Q5) I am a member of the section. Strangely I do not see my monthly edition of Wavelengths in my Inbox.
A5) Check your spam folders. Also check and ensure that you IEEE.org profile is up to date (a common malaise) and that you have “opted-in” for local communications. Your email on ieee.org may have been set to an old school, corporate or past email account and was not updated…..

If it is still not clear – get in touch with us.

Sharan Kalwani, Senior Member IEEE
Training Specialist: open to provide you or deliver remote/in-person educational services.
Enthusiastic Chair, IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section, https://r4.ieee.org/sem/ 
EMAIL: chair@ieee-sem.org ; List of future events~ https://bit.ly/sem-upcoming/
Wavelengths Archive https://r4.ieee.org/sem/about-sem/sem-history/wavelengths-magazine-archive/ 

Always being updated…