Expense Reporting
Below is the IEEE Expense Report form.
Below is the expense reporting procedure.
Treasurer Funds Disbursing Procedure
And finally, attached is the approved NetSuite modified 2016 Budget.
2016 Final Approved Budget with NetSuite Changes (1-3-16)
You will need all three of these to correctly file expense reports.
The 2016 IEEE Expense Report Form must be used, older forms are not permitted.
On the expense form you will need to identify the line item in the budget you are submitting and expense against, so you need the final copy of the 2016 Budget (attached)
The Disbursing Procedure outlines where and how to file your request for reimbursement.
These documents are also available in the On-Line community in the Financial Committee Folder.
If there are any questions, please contact either me or our Treasurer, Ramesh Sethu
email: SEM IEEE Treasurer |
Sharan Kalwani
IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section Chair
E-Mail: SEM IEEE Chair