Electronic Design Automation for Next-Generation In-Memory Computing Systems

Room: EC 550, Bldg: Engineering Center, 115 Library Drive, Rochester, Michigan, United States, 48326, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/403709

The exponential growth in the availability of digital data has powered the emergence of data-driven applications like large language models, computer vision, and digital twin. These applications have incredibly high computing demands that exceed the capabilities of today's high-performance computing systems. Unfortunately, the limitations of scaling silicon technology, and the von-Neumann bottleneck suggest that these demands cannot be addressed through traditional means. To address the pressing challenge of computational scalability and efficiency, new computing paradigms are being explored. One promising solution to this computational challenge is to perform in-memory computation using emerging non-volatile memory (NVM) devices. This approach enables energy efficient execution of computationally expensive operations and promises substantial improvements in throughput. However, the NVM technology is still in its infancy stage. To fully unleash the promises of in-memory computation systems, we need novel electronic design automation (EDA) based solutions tailored to data-intensive applications. In this talk, I will discuss the role EDA can play to close the application-to-devices gap in the in-memory computational stack. In the first part of the talk, I will discuss different in-memory computing styles in analog and digital domains. In the second part of the talk, I will present my representative projects that are focused on improving the scalability, energy efficiency, and robustness of different in-memory computing paradigms. In the final part of the talk, I will discuss future research directions for designing next-generation in-memory computing systems.Speaker(s): Muhammad Rashed, Room: EC 550, Bldg: Engineering Center, 115 Library Drive, Rochester, Michigan, United States, 48326, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/403709

IEEE West Michigan Section ExCom, Chapter & Affinity Group Administrative Meeting – MEMBERS WELCOME!

Bldg: Advanced Technology Center, Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC), 151 Fountain St. NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States, 49503

An in-person meeting of the West Michigan Section and Chapter/Affinity Group Executive Committees (ExComs) a to discuss budgets, reports and events for 2024. Members of the WM Section who are interested in meeting the Executive Committee and/or would like to get involved are welcome and encouraged to attend.Free parking is available in the Advanced Technology Center building at 151 Fountain St. NE. Please enter using the visitors entrance is on Ransom Street.Agenda: The agenda and minutes will be emailed to ExCom members prior to the meeting.Bldg: Advanced Technology Center, Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC), 151 Fountain St. NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States, 49503

IEEE West Michigan Section ExCom, Chapter & Affinity Group Administrative Meeting – MEMBERS WELCOME!

Bldg: Advanced Technology Center, Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC), 151 Fountain St. NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States, 49503

An in-person meeting of the West Michigan Section and Chapter/Affinity Group Executive Committees (ExComs) to discuss budgets, reports and events for 2024. Members of the WM Section who are interested in meeting the Executive Committee and/or would like to get involved are welcome and encouraged to attend. Free parking is available in the Advanced Technology Center building at 151 Fountain St. NE. Please enter using the visitors entrance on Ransom Street. Agenda: The agenda and minutes will be emailed to ExCom members prior to the meeting. Bldg: Advanced Technology Center, Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC), 151 Fountain St. NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States, 49503

Vantage Point Presentation

Brookings, South Dakota, United States

This meeting was to learn about Vantage Point and what it is like working for their company, life as a consulting engineer and give course load advice.Brookings, South Dakota, United States

IEEE Region 4 Seminar: What Game Designers Do (When They Aren't Making Games)

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/400500

In this talk, Illinois Tech Game Design and Experiential Media (GEM) faculty member Carly Kocurek talks about the professionalization of game design, the development of game design degree programs, and the diverse and sometimes surprising career paths that game designers pursue. Degree programs like Illinois Tech's GEM and Worcester Polytechnic Institute's Interactive Media and Game Design (IMGD) train students may place games at the forefront, but the robust skills in experience design, project management, and other areas can lead students to interesting places. Speaker(s): Carly Kocurek, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/400500

IEEE Region 4 Seminar: What Game Designers Do (When They Aren’t Making Games)

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/400500

In this talk, Illinois Tech Game Design and Experiential Media (GEM) faculty member Carly Kocurek talks about the professionalization of game design, the development of game design degree programs, and the diverse and sometimes surprising career paths that game designers pursue. Degree programs like Illinois Tech's GEM and Worcester Polytechnic Institute's Interactive Media and Game Design (IMGD) train students may place games at the forefront, but the robust skills in experience design, project management, and other areas can lead students to interesting places.Speaker(s): Carly Kocurek, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/400500