IEEE SEM WIE Monthly Meeting


Meeting to plan and discuss activities/events.Agenda: 1. Reflect on last year's activities.2. Welcome new Chair and thank the old Chair for her outstanding activities for the last two years.3. Plan for this year's activities.Virtual:

IEEE SEM WIE Monthly Meeting


Meeting to plan and discuss activities/events. Agenda: 1. Reflect on last year's activities. 2. Welcome new Chair and thank the old Chair for her outstanding activities for the last two years. 3. Plan for this year's activities. Virtual:

A Global Survey of Energy Poverty from Space

4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn, Michigan, United States, 48128, Virtual:

Measuring electricity access is an expensive and difficult undertaking, fraught with error and missingness. Leveraging computational analysis of remotely sensed data across thousands of nights, we generate indicators of electricity poverty across the globe at the settlement level, improving spatial resolution and filling in temporal gaps. We demonstrate the reliability and validity of these classifications against ground-based surveys at multiple scales. We estimate the energy poor population is 1.17 billion, 60% higher than the official global estimate of 733 million lacking electricity access. Most of the world’s energy poor live in areas that are more remote, less densely populated, and more rugged than energy abundant areas. The results clarify the obstacles that impede equitable access to sustainable and affordable energy and provide new data to improve the targeting of solutions to address energy poverty across the world.Co-sponsored by: Dr Wencong SuSpeaker(s): Brian Min, Agenda: Main Event is from 12;30 PM to 1;30 PMThus attending in person - refreshments will be provided.4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn, Michigan, United States, 48128, Virtual:

A Global Survey of Energy Poverty from Space

4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn, Michigan, United States, 48128, Virtual:

Measuring electricity access is an expensive and difficult undertaking, fraught with error and missingness. Leveraging computational analysis of remotely sensed data across thousands of nights, we generate indicators of electricity poverty across the globe at the settlement level, improving spatial resolution and filling in temporal gaps. We demonstrate the reliability and validity of these classifications against ground-based surveys at multiple scales. We estimate the energy poor population is 1.17 billion, 60% higher than the official global estimate of 733 million lacking electricity access. Most of the world’s energy poor live in areas that are more remote, less densely populated, and more rugged than energy abundant areas. The results clarify the obstacles that impede equitable access to sustainable and affordable energy and provide new data to improve the targeting of solutions to address energy poverty across the world. Co-sponsored by: Dr Wencong Su Speaker(s): Brian Min, Agenda: Main Event is from 12;30 PM to 1;30 PM Thus attending in person - refreshments will be provided. 4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn, Michigan, United States, 48128, Virtual:

Signal Processing for Joint Radar-Communications


: In this talk, we focus on the recent developments toward integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). We consider a broad definition of coexistence, which covers ISAC, collaborative communications, and sensing with interference. Toward fully realizing the coexistence of the two systems, optimization of resources for both new/futuristic sensing and wireless communications modalities is crucial. These synergistic approaches that exploit the interplay between state sensing and communications are both driving factors and opportunities for many current signal processing and information-theoretic techniques. In addition, a large body of prior works considers colocated ISAC systems while distributed systems remain relatively unexamined. Building on the existing approaches, the tutorial focuses on highlighting emerging scenarios in collaborative and distributed ISAC, particularly at mm-Wave and THz frequencies, highly dynamic vehicular/automotive environments that would benefit from information exchange between the two systems. It presents the architectures and possible methodologies for mutually beneficial distributed co-existence and co-design, including sensor fusion and heterogeneously distributed radar and communications. The tutorial also considers recent developments such as the deployment of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) in ISAC, 5G systems, passive internet-of-things, and ISAC secrecy rate optimization. This tutorial aims to draw the attention of the radar, communications, and signal processing communities toward an emerging area, which can benefit from the cross-fertilization of ideas in distributed systems. Speaker(s): Kumar Vijay Mishra, Virtual:

Signal Processing for Joint Radar-Communications


: In this talk, we focus on the recent developments toward integrated sensing andcommunications (ISAC). We consider a broad definition of coexistence, which covers ISAC,collaborative communications, and sensing with interference. Toward fully realizing thecoexistence of the two systems, optimization of resources for both new/futuristic sensing andwireless communications modalities is crucial. These synergistic approaches that exploit theinterplay between state sensing and communications are both driving factors and opportunitiesfor many current signal processing and information-theoretic techniques. In addition, a largebody of prior works considers colocated ISAC systems while distributed systems remain relativelyunexamined. Building on the existing approaches, the tutorial focuses on highlighting emergingscenarios in collaborative and distributed ISAC, particularly at mm-Wave and THz frequencies,highly dynamic vehicular/automotive environments that would benefit from informationexchange between the two systems. It presents the architectures and possible methodologiesfor mutually beneficial distributed co-existence and co-design, including sensor fusion andheterogeneously distributed radar and communications. The tutorial also considers recentdevelopments such as the deployment of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) in ISAC, 5G systems,passive internet-of-things, and ISAC secrecy rate optimization. This tutorial aims to draw theattention of the radar, communications, and signal processing communities toward an emergingarea, which can benefit from the cross-fertilization of ideas in distributed systems.Speaker(s): Kumar Vijay Mishra, Virtual:

Signal Processing for Joint Radar-Communications


IEEE GRSS Distinguished Lecture In this talk, we focus on the recent developments toward integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). We consider a broad definition of coexistence, which covers ISAC, collaborative communications, and sensing with interference. Toward fully realizing the coexistence of the two systems, optimization of resources for both new/futuristic sensing and wireless communications modalities is crucial. These synergistic approaches that exploit the interplay between state sensing and communications are both driving factors and opportunities for many current signal processing and information-theoretic techniques. In addition, a large body of prior works considers colocated ISAC systems while distributed systems remain relatively unexamined. Building on the existing approaches, the tutorial focuses on highlighting emerging scenarios in collaborative and distributed ISAC, particularly at mm-Wave and THz frequencies, highly dynamic vehicular/automotive environments that would benefit from information exchange between the two systems. It presents the architectures and possible methodologies for mutually beneficial distributed co-existence and co-design, including sensor fusion and heterogeneously distributed radar and communications. The tutorial also considers recent developments such as the deployment of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) in ISAC, 5G systems, passive internet-of-things, and ISAC secrecy rate optimization. This tutorial aims to draw the attention of the radar, communications, and signal processing communities toward an emerging area, which can benefit from the cross-fertilization of ideas in distributed systems. Speaker(s): , Kumar Virtual:

Monthly IA-IL Section Social #2023 – December Third Friday Meet Up

Five Cities Brewery , Bettendorf, Iowa, United States, 52722

"Cybersocial Third Friday" is a monthly reoccurring networking/social meetup hosted by the IEEE R4 Iowa-Illinois Section and Computer Society Chapter. Join us for social hour and see your friends and colleagues. Cybersocial is a monthly event held the third Friday of each month.You don't need to be a Computer Society member or even an IEEE member to join us. Open to all engineers and technical professionals.Agenda: We plan to meet IN PERSON at Five Cities in Bettendorf.Five Cities Brewery , Bettendorf, Iowa, United States, 52722

Monthly IA-IL Section Social #2024 – January Third Friday Meet Up

Five Cities Brewery , Bettendorf, Iowa, United States, 52722

"Cybersocial Third Friday" is a monthly reoccurring networking/social meetup hosted by the IEEE R4 Iowa-Illinois Section and Computer Society Chapter. Join us for social hour and see your friends and colleagues. Cybersocial is a monthly event held the third Friday of each month. You don't need to be a Computer Society member or even an IEEE member to join us. Open to all engineers and technical professionals. Agenda: We plan to meet IN PERSON at Five Cities in Bettendorf. Five Cities Brewery , Bettendorf, Iowa, United States, 52722