February General Meeting

Notre Dame, Indiana, United States

IEEE-NDU's February General Meeting will feature guest professor speaker, Dr. Matthew Morrison, to share his experience and knowledge with IC design, digital logic, and computing. Club announcements for upcoming social events and technical projects will also take place, and along with snacks one lucky member can win a special EE-themed prize. Speaker(s): , Matthew Morrison Notre Dame, Indiana, United States

Broadcasting 4k TV over ATSC 1.0 — How??

Room: 3rd Floor Conference Room, Madison public Library Central Branch, 201 W Mifflin St, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 53703, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/468680

[] What if I told you that UltraHD could be broadcast over ATSC 1.0? Sounds implausible, right? After all, we're talking about cramming HEVC-encoded 4K video into a 19.3 Mbps channel originally designed for MPEG-2 over thirty years ago. What if we exploit every trick in the book—specialized rate control, transport stream shaping, GOP tuning, and deep multiplexer hacks—to make it happen? In this talk, we’ll explore the brutal constraints laid out in ATSC 1.0, why off-the-shelf solutions don’t quite cut it, and how open-source tools and custom integrations can push the limits of legacy broadcast infrastructure. If you think modern codecs, real-time and non-real-time encoding, and practical broadcast engineering don't mix, this session might just change your mind. Speaker(s): Tony Kapela, Agenda: 5:30 PM -- Pizza and soda for the in-person meeting. 5:50 PM -- Introductory Remarks 6:00 PM -- Technical Talk 6:50 PM -- Questions from on-line and in-person 7:15 PM -- Adjourn NOTE: The Virtual Presentation will be via Zoom with the link sent to all registered attendees. PLEASE ENTER a CORRECT Email Address to receive the Link. Room: 3rd Floor Conference Room, Madison public Library Central Branch, 201 W Mifflin St, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 53703, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/468680

Pushing the Limits – Exploring the Solar System with Voyager and Juno

Room: Beams Auditorium (B), Bldg: Cedar Rapids Public Library, 450 5th Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States, 52401, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/467219

The University of Iowa has a long history of space exploration, beginning with the first satellite observations with Van Allen’s Explorer 1 instrument and extending to nearly all the planets and beyond. This talk by Dr. William S. Kurth (Dept. of Physics & Astronomy) will focus on Voyager and some of the science that twin spacecraft mission is acquiring in the interstellar medium and the extraordinary lengths being taken by the flight team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to keep the Voyagers operating (47 years). He’ll also briefly discuss a much younger mission, Juno, exploring Jupiter. Despite Jupiter’s intense radiation environment, Juno is nearing completion of a four-year mission extension. Live In-Person event at the Cedar Rapids Public Library with live-stream via Zoom Note: Cedar Rapids on-street parking is free after 5:00 PM. The ramps are not free. Speaker(s): William, Agenda: Introductory Remarks Presentation by Dr. William S. Kurth, University of Iowa Research Scientist (Dept. of Physics & Asstronomy) Question & Answer Room: Beams Auditorium (B), Bldg: Cedar Rapids Public Library, 450 5th Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States, 52401, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/467219

Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Peter James Kootsookos, PhD – 25 February 8pm EST / 7 pm CST

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/456326

[] Dr Kootsookos, IEEE Connecticut Section Chair. Dr Kootsookos will describe his career preparation. He will conduct a deep dive of his field as an expert in patent arbitration providing source code reviews. He is a teacher of telecommunications, signal & image processing, circuit analysis, digital hardware, and various software engineering courses at the University of New Haven, Fairfield University, Central Connecticut State University, and CT State Community College, Middlesex in the US and the Australian National University and University of Queensland in Australia. He is a Researcher: Signal processing research: more than 40 papers in conferences and international journals in signal, video, and image processing; Full life-cycle systems engineering: requirements, analysis, design, verification, validation, delivery; Quality processes worked with: IS09001-2000, CMMI, ACE (UTC’s Achieving Competitive Excellence). Note: PDH / CEU is not being offered for the Spring 2025 sessions. Speaker(s): Dr. Peter James Kootsookos, PhD Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/456326

MOVE Tech Talk – Feb 2025 – Civil Air Patrol’s Capabilities

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463436

Civil Air Patrol Missouri Wing Commander, Jen Smith, along with MOWG Chief of Staff, Mike Toedebusch, will be delivering an in-depth presentation covering various aspects of the Civil Air Patrol’s capabilities. This presentation will explore how Civil Air Patrol and MOVE could collaborate during disaster response efforts, providing a coordinated and effective approach to emergency situations. Additionally, the session will highlight the opportunities available through the Cadet Program and the integration of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) initiatives within CAP, showcasing the organization’s commitment to fostering future leaders and advancing critical skills. Co-sponsored by: IEEE-USA MOVE Program Speaker(s): Colonel Jen Smith, Lt Col Mike Toedebusch Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463436