February Talk: Origins of Artificial Intelligence: Ray Solomonoff and the Dartmouth Conference of 1956 (HYBRID)

Room: Mann Hall, Bldg: Medical Sciences Building, 300 3rd Ave SW, Rochester, Minnesota, United States, 55902, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463139

Title: “Origins of Artificial Intelligence: Ray Solomonoff and the Dartmouth Conference of 1956” Bio: Nathan Huber, PhD is a medical imaging scientist passionate about using artificial intelligence to advance healthcare. His doctoral studies at Mayo Clinic Graduate School were focused on developing deep learning frameworks for CT image enhancement. He then worked in industry as a systems scientist for GE and currently is a clinical scientist for Philips. This talk will review the contributions of Ray Solomonoff, one of the founding researcher of artificial intelligence. Agenda: 6:30 - 7:00 Social half hour to grab food and drink 7:00 - 8:00 Technical talk Room: Mann Hall, Bldg: Medical Sciences Building, 300 3rd Ave SW, Rochester, Minnesota, United States, 55902, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463139


Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/467713

IEEE Region 4 invites you to a talk with Jason Brozen, a master electrician and Safety Trainer. He is a survivor of an arc flash incident and speaks to audiences about this experience, and what you can do to prevent it. One PDH will be offered for this event. Registration is not required, but appreciated so we can get a headcount. “DON’T BE ME”, HOW COMPLACENCY NEARLY KILLED ME – One-hour testimonial / case study This one-hour presentation covers the critical details that led up to the accident that nearly killed Jason. He focuses on the actual case study and root cause resulting in the complacency that ultimately caused this accident. This course is designed for linemen, electricians, maintenance personnel, and engineers that may be exposed to electrocution, arc flash hazards, or electric shock from tools, machines, or appliances. This testimonial is a great refresher for safety professionals as well as field technicians. Biography: Jason Brozen Professional safety instructor, expert witness, consultant, and arc-flash survivor Jason has made it his mission to share his experience, as an arc flash survivor, to help others stay safe on the job. He is currently the Lead Corporate Safety and Technical Trainer for Tyndale Enterprises, Inc. and an NFPA Certified Electrical Safety Compliance Professional (CESCP). Jason has been an NFPA 70E instructor for several years and has been a certified Master Electrician for over 28 years. His nationally recognized presentations include his own personal arc flash survival and recovery story. BACKGROUND  Arc flash survivor (ICU for 2-weeks & 7-months off work for recovery)  Block & Associates certified Master Electrician for nearly 30-years  NFPA Certified Electrical Safety Compliance Professional (CESCP)  Professional NFPA 70, 70B, and 70E electrical safety instructor  Keynote presenter for 100’s of national safety and technical training events  OSHA 10 and 30 certified  VDC / BIM / CAD specialist for several multi-million-dollar projects  Production Manager / Project Manager / Trainer in a highly successful service company  Over 35-years of experience with residential, commercial, and industrial construction wiring methods, as well as the design of electrical and low-voltage communication systems within them  Member of a local college’s board of advisors for their electrical program accreditation  Instructor for Johnson County, Kansas’ continuing education program, The Electric League, Kansas City Power & Light (Evergy), and property management groups  Expert witness / subject matter expert / consultant Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/467713