Engineers in Real Life – 2025

Room: Atrium, Bldg: Bayou Building, 2700 Bay Area Blvd, University of Houston - Clear Lake, Houston, Texas, United States, 77059

Engineers from a range of industries and specialties will be at the University of Houston Clear Lake to show K-12 students the types of work they do and the careers available. No registration needed for students. Engineers who wish to participate must notify organizers by February 14th at 6pm. For more information: Room: Atrium, Bldg: Bayou Building, 2700 Bay Area Blvd, University of Houston - Clear Lake, Houston, Texas, United States, 77059

IEEE Fox Valley Subsection: Computer Vision/AI for Musicians

Room: 1437, Bldg: Rodney K Berg Instructional Center (BIC), 425 Fawell Blvd, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, United States, 60137

Join the Fox Valley Subsection for a meeting with the College of Dupage Computer club. The event will have 2 speakers from the Computer Society, and will end with a tour of the COD VR lab. Agenda: - 10am: welcome and introductions - Intro to the IEEE Computer Society - Intro to the COD Computer Program - 10:15am: First Topic - 11:00am: Break - 11:15am: Second topic - 12N: Lunch/networking. Box lunches provided - 1pm: Tour of COD Motion Capture Labs and facilities First Topic: World-Wide Camera Networks (Machine Vision) More than 80% consumer Internet traffic is for videos and most of them are recorded videos. Meanwhile, many organizations (such as national parks, vacation resorts, departments of transportation) provide real-time visual data (images or videos). These videos allow Internet users to observe events remotely. This speech explains how to discover real-time visual data on the Internet. The discovery process uses a crawler to reach many web pages. The information on these web pages are analyzed to identify candidates of real-time data. The data is downloaded multiple times over an extended time period; changes are detected to determine whether it is likely to provide real-time data. The data can be used during an emergency. For example, viewers may check whether a street is flooded and cannot pass. It is also possible using the data to observe long-term trends, such as how people react to movement restrictions during the COVID pandemic. In addition to network cameras, this speech will also include Dr. Lu’s recent work on technology for musicians: how to use computer vision to detect unhealthy postures and how to use machine learning to detect musicians’ mistakes. Biography: Yung-Hsiang Lu is a professor at the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Purdue University. He is a University Faculty Scholar of Purdue University. He is a fellow of the IEEE (2021), ACM Distinguished Scientist (2013), and ACM Distinguished Speaker (2013). In 2020-2022, he was the director of the John Martinson Engineering Entrepreneurial Center at Purdue University. His research topics include artificial intelligence, efficient computer vision for embedded systems, cloud and mobile computing, music technology. He is the lead organizer of the IEEE Low-Power Computer Vision Challenge since 2015. He has published two books: Intermediate C Programming (ISBN 9781032189819) and Low-Power Computer Vision: Improve the Efficiency of Artificial Intelligence (editor, ISBN 9780367744700). Second Topic: Embracing AI Technology in Musical Performance Artificial intelligence has demonstrated impressive progress in music. Generative AI can compose new music when preferred styles and genres are entered. As a string music performer, Yun has been exploring possibilities for taking advantage of the emerging AI technology in music performance. In this lecture, Yun will introduce three of her current projects which examine AI’s ability to create a more immersive sensory experience, transform how music performers practice and illustrate the advancement of robot technology through the incorporation of musicians’ performance movements. Biography: Kristen Yeon-Ji Yun, clinical associate professor of music in the College of Liberal Arts, is active as a soloist, chamber musician, musical scholar and clinician. Her CD “Summerland — Music for Cello and Piano by Composers of African Descent” received positive reviews from New Classics UK and American Record Guide. It was broadcast nationwide by radio stations such as WQXR, WCNY, WBAA and NPR’s Sonatas and Soundscapes. Her dynamic career includes receiving a grant from the National Science Foundation for the project “Artificial Intelligence Technology for Future Music Performers.” After the meeting we will be taking a tour of the new Motion Capture studio at COD. Agenda: Agenda: - 10am: welcome and introductions - Intro to the IEEE Computer Society - Intro to the COD Computer Program - 10:15am: First Topic - 11:00am: Break - 11:15am: Second topic - 12N: Lunch/networking. Box lunches provided - 1pm: Tour of COD VR Labs and facilities Room: 1437, Bldg: Rodney K Berg Instructional Center (BIC), 425 Fawell Blvd, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, United States, 60137