
2024 Real-Time Communications Conference Gold Sponsorship at IIT

Chicago, Illinois, United States

2024 Real-Time Communications Conference Sponsorship Gold Sponsorship - 5000$ For more information on sponsor and exhibitor opportunities, please get in touch with Tom Costello at [email protected] or 847-890-5061 Co-sponsored by: IEEE REAL-TIME COMMUNICATIONS LAB Chicago, Illinois, United States

Synthetic Aperture Radar Metadata Content Working Group (P4002) Status Report


This talk will detail the goals, history, status, and future of the P4002 working group including describing the process and tools utilized in the development process. The overall goal of this standard is to describe the SAR sensor, operating modes and parameters, the collection and acquisition of SAR data, and processing algorithms that have been applied along with related parameters. This standard will enable development of SAR processing toolchains that can work across a large variety of SAR sensors on both airborne and spaceborne platforms. This standard focuses on single look complex (SLC) images, which is the primary data layer for most SAR algorithms, and a point in the processing chain where most of the sensor specific compensation have been applied. Co-sponsored by: Leland Pierce Speaker(s): Richard Naething, Virtual:

IEEE Nebraska Section ExCom October Meeting


Monthly IEEE Nebraska Section ExCom Meeting. Agenda will be emailed out before the meeting each month. Virtual:

IEEE Nebraska Section ExCom October Meeting


Monthly IEEE Nebraska Section ExCom Meeting. Agenda will be emailed out before the meeting each month. Virtual:

EMC Maker Event: 2 Meter HAM VHF Yagi Antenna

MPS, 19499 Victor Pkwy, Livonia, Michigan, United States, 48152

NO REFUNDS for the $10 Material Fee Pizza Sponsor: Shinyei/NoiseKen Lab Sponsor: MPS 2M Yagi Antenna Maker Meeting The Yagi antenna is a directional antenna that can identify the source of transmissions. The Southeastern Michigan IEEE EMC Society invites you to a workshop, Build Your Own Small Yagi Antenna at Monolithic Power EMC Labs in Livonia Michigan. Participants will build their three element Yagi with copper tape on ½” PVC pipe loosely based on videos identified by Kimball Williams N8FNC And . If you want to cheat and check the properties of your antenna before building it, download a copy of 4NEC2 onto your computer before coming to the workshop. We will demonstrate how 4NEC2 can be used to check the antenna pattern before construction. OR, you can show your intuitive or practical HAM skills by figuring an optimal configuration on a napkin. Candace Suriano is a graduate of GMI Engineering & Management Institute (BSME) and has graduate degrees from Purdue University (MSME, MSE) and the University of Dayton (Ph.D.). She is the author of numerous papers and magazine articles on electromagnetic compatibility, and she chaired an antennas and probes workshop at several IEEE EMC symposia. Her interests are in the areas of electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic modeling. Candace is a mom with interests in MOM. She may be contacted at: [email protected] . John Suriano is a graduate of GMI Engineering & Management Institute (BSEE) and has graduate degrees from Purdue University (MSEE, PhD). With Candace, he has authored numerous papers and magazine articles on electromagnetic compatibility. His interests are in the areas of electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic modeling. John supervises the EMC testing lab of Nidec Automotive Motor Americas. John can be reached at: [email protected] MPS, 19499 Victor Pkwy, Livonia, Michigan, United States, 48152

University of Iowa Young Professional Social

Bldg: Seamon's Center 4th Floor Terrace, 103 S Capital St, Iowa City, Iowa, United States, 52242

October 17 for an evening of fun, networking, food, beverages, and swag at Seamon's Center 4th Floor Terrace Bldg: Seamon's Center 4th Floor Terrace, 103 S Capital St, Iowa City, Iowa, United States, 52242

The Future of Work: Engaged Leadership and Empowered Teams.


Do you still use a landline with rotary dial to make telephone calls? No! You should not be using mid-20th Century leadership practices either! Twentieth century leadership practices are no longer effective. In today's dynamic business landscape, marked by hybrid and remote work, our greatest challenge isn't just managing effectively—it's leading with trust. For 21st century workplaces, the key to success lies in this trust-based leadership. Why? Because trusted employees are committed employees. To enhance retention by up to 65% and increase productivity by as much as 50%, we need to cultivate Engaged Leadership skills alongside traditional management capabilities. How do we cultivate the Engaged Leadership skills which can engender trust? The answer lies in learning and practice. This workshop uses real stories from industry to illustrate the differences between engaged and disengaged leadership practices, between empowered and disempowered teams, and between trusted and untrusted cultures. If you have questions you would like to submit before the presentation, please submit them ( ( Speaker(s): Leslie, Virtual: