
2024 Real-Time Communications Conference Gold Sponsorship at IIT

Chicago, Illinois, United States

2024 Real-Time Communications Conference Sponsorship Gold Sponsorship - 5000$ For more information on sponsor and exhibitor opportunities, please get in touch with Tom Costello at [email protected] or 847-890-5061 Co-sponsored by: IEEE REAL-TIME COMMUNICATIONS LAB Chicago, Illinois, United States

Synthetic Aperture Radar Metadata Content Working Group (P4002) Status Report


This talk will detail the goals, history, status, and future of the P4002 working group including describing the process and tools utilized in the development process. The overall goal of this standard is to describe the SAR sensor, operating modes and parameters, the collection and acquisition of SAR data, and processing algorithms that have been applied along with related parameters. This standard will enable development of SAR processing toolchains that can work across a large variety of SAR sensors on both airborne and spaceborne platforms. This standard focuses on single look complex (SLC) images, which is the primary data layer for most SAR algorithms, and a point in the processing chain where most of the sensor specific compensation have been applied. Co-sponsored by: Leland Pierce Speaker(s): Richard Naething, Virtual:

IAS/IES Chicago In-Person Technical Meeting – Power Quality Solutions for VFD Applications

Bldg: EESCO/WESCO Distribution , 2401 Internationale Pkwy # C, Woodridge, Illinois, United States, 60517

Nick Konen of Hammond Power Solutions will present on the topic of Power Quality Solutions for VFD Applications. Variable Frequency Drives pose numerous issues pertaining to power quality. This presentation will provide an overview of common power quality issues along with applications and strategies for remediation, including: - IEEE 519 related line side solutions pertaining to 6-pulse VFD's (and others) - Line side current harmonics solutions vs. load side voltage harmonic solutions - Power quality lab results of real-world applications (with and without PQ solutions installed) This will be an in-person meeting and a buffet style dinner will be available. Cost is $45 per person, payable by cash or check at the time of the meeting. Registration must be made by October 14th to reserve your seat. All attendees will receive 1-PDH credit. Speaker(s): Nick Konen, Agenda: 6:30 PM Registration 7:00 PM Buffet Style Dinner 7:30 PM Presentation 8:30 PM Adjournment Bldg: EESCO/WESCO Distribution , 2401 Internationale Pkwy # C, Woodridge, Illinois, United States, 60517