

Bldg: Kent School of Law, 565 W Adams, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 60661

Support the IEEE Chicago 130th Anniversary Fair by being a sponsor and selecting any of the following packages: - Silver Sponsor Level $400 - Company logo will be placed on the IEEE Chicago 130th Event website and the Program Booklet - Gold Sponsor Level $800 - Silver sponsorship level benefits plus the following - 10-minute presentation time slot at the event - Platinum Sponsor Level $1300 - Gold sponsorship level benefits plus the following - Table for company products and services (first come, first served) - Company name and logo on Friends of IEEE Chicago for 1 year - Post job openings in IEEE Chicago website for 1 year Bldg: Kent School of Law, 565 W Adams, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 60661

Call for Posters – Real Time Communications Conference & Expo at Illinois Tech

Bldg: Hermann Hall, 3241 S. Federal Street, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 60616

We invite students, research fellows and Industry practitioners to present their research results and/or projects in a poster session. Feel free to (mailto:?cc=&bcc=&subject=IEEE%20RTC%202024%20-%20Call%20for%20Posters!&body=IEEE%20Real%20Time%20Communications%20Conference%202024%20(RTC%20Conference)%20is%20pleased%20to%20host%20a%20poster%20presentation%20and%20best%20Poster%20Award.%0D%0A%0D%0AWe%20invite%20students,%20research%20fellows%20and%20Industry%20practitioners%20to%20present%20their%20research%20results%20and/or%20projects%20in%20a%20poster%20session.%0D%0A%0D%0APlease%20find%20the%20full%20submission%20guidelines%20at%20! Feel free to also share this call on your bulletin board or social media. For this you may use attached ( or ( How to submit a poster proposal To feature a Poster at the RTC Conference, please ( that includes the following information no later than 24th September 2024. - Title: A title for the poster. - Proposer: Include name, affiliation, and e-mail address. Correspondence related to the conference will be sent by e-mail. - Abstract: A description of the poster. Summarize the content of the poster in not more than 250 words. - Topic: Please make sure that your research aligns one of the following tracks at a broad level. - RTC Applications – multimedia apps and networks for example - AI/ML methods incorporated into RTC Applications and Services - Impact of Security and Privacy methods on RTC - Network Management and Resilience methods and their effect on RTC applications - For a more detailed list of potential topics of interest, please visit ( This list is part of the conference’s call for papers, but we would like to see posters representing early results and in particular student work in these same areas. You will be notified by e-mail of the acceptance of the poster and we will let you know about the details of the time and place for the poster presentation. Once accepted, you will be required to print the poster yourself and bring it to the conference. Final poster guidelines - Poster dimensions – Not to exceed 30×40 inch - 300 dots per inch - Sample traditional poster template as a guide: ( and ( In addition to this, you need to also … - Submit as a single PDF version your poster. This will become part of the conference proceedings and will be posted to the conference website after the conference. - Named “authorlastname_firstname_RTC24Poster_V#.pdf” where poster # is the version number of the uploaded file (in case you decide to upload a later version, for example.) Agenda: [] Bldg: Hermann Hall, 3241 S. Federal Street, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 60616

TEMS EXCOM October Chapter meeting


TEMS EXCOM October Chapter meeting Election process continues: - Election committee formation - Open nominations for chapter officer positions. - - Chapter Chair - Chapter Vice Chair - Secretary - Treasurer Agenda: TEMS EXCOM October Chapter meeting Election process continues: - Election committee formation - Open nominations for chapter officer positions. - - Chapter Chair - Chapter Vice Chair - Secretary - Treasurer Open the floor to membership comments or questions. Virtual:

IEEE Central Illinois Section Open Forum


This free, optional training event is available to all IEEE members and prospective members within the IEEE Central Illinois Section (CILS) and surrounding areas. This session will offer general tips and assistance for anyone wishing to... * Learn about upcoming IEEE events and volunteer opportunities in central Illinois * Run an IEEE technical chapter or a student branch * Create or renew a technical chapter * Create or organize events * Add new officers * Request IEEE email or website services * Report past or future meetings * Contact other IEEE members in our area * Publish or share IEEE-branded materials ...or perform similar tasks. (10th revision) Agenda: * Introduction to the IEEE CILS * Navigating the IEEE Website * Website resources for volunteers, chapters, and student branches * Volunteer Roles Available in 2024 * Volunteer Tools (vTools) * Training via IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) * Using IEEE Collabratec to find events and volunteers * Question & Answer session * Open Floor Virtual: