Please join us for a presentation at Basin Electric Cooperative (1717 E Interstate Ave, Bismarck, ND 58503) HDQ East 4 Wyoming D; CONF: HDQ East 4 Wyoming E. Visitors will park in the upper-level parking lot by Door 1 – main entrance. Everyone will need to check in with reception prior to entering the meeting, please bring a picture ID. Refreshments will be provided. Dr. Brij Singh from John Deere will be presenting remotely on Improved Control Algorithms for Power Quality Controlled Converters. Abstract: This presentation covers control algorithms for active filter (AF). A three-phase insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) based current controlled voltage source inverter (CC-VSI) with a DC bus capacitor can be used as an AF. There are many control algorithms for the AF such as reactive power control, active power control, power-balance control, direct and quadrature (d-q) model-based control systems, etc. It is noted that most existing feedforward control methods of the AF system result in switching notches (sharp-rising ripples) in the supply current during transitions of the stepped waveshape nonlinear load current. Through laboratory experimentation, it is demonstrated that the direct current control method, which works on the principle of feedback, eliminates switching notches in supply currents and locks sinusoidally shaped three-phase supply currents in-phase with the supply voltages. Use of wide bandgap (WBG) devices will also be discussed as WBG devices offer significant potential to miniaturize AF hardware. There will be cookies and coffee provided. Please RSVP so we can get a headcount for refreshments. Speaker(s): Dr. Brij Singh Room: HDQ East 4 Wyoming D; CONF: HDQ East 4 Wyoming E, Bldg: Basin Electric Power Cooperative Main Office, 1717 E Interstate Ave, Bismarck, North Dakota, United States, 58503, Virtual: