Presentation on Huffman Engineering by Howard Huffman PE, IEEE Senior member and Jim Fricke PE and IEEE member.Our presentation will talk through who we are as a company, what some of our capabilities are in each of these industries, we will highlight a couple of recent projects and we will bring along an example of how we utilize electrical engineering skills in the real world to bring to life systems that help industrial manufacturing and municipalities more efficient, safer and more productive for the communities we live and work in.This event brought to you by IEEE Nebraska Section's Industrial Applications, Power & Energy Technical Chapters. and Young Professionals.Co-sponsored by: Nick McIntosh - IEEE Nebraska Section ChairSpeaker(s): Howard Huffman, PE, Jim Fricke, Agenda: 5:00pm - Sign in5:10 pm - Introductions and announcementsDinner and Presentation to followQuestions and AnswersGeneral Networking.Adjournment.Room: TBD, Bldg: Nebraska Hall, UNL campus room to be determined by Student Branch,, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States