
IEEE Students: Introduction to Product Safety


IEEE R4 Student Members,Looking for information on a possible career path?The IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society is having its international symposium in Chicago from April 30 to May 2nd, 2024. On may 1st, students are invited to attend the conference for free and attend informative sessions on the industry. See the attached flyer.This meeting will provide information on the society and the conference to students looking for information on the event. Please make some time to attend, and pass on to other students who may be interested.About PSES:The IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society focuses on the theory, design, development and practical implementation of product safety engineering methodologies and techniques for equipment and devices. This includes the study and application of analysis, techniques, construction topologies, testing methodologies, conformity assessments and hazard evaluations. The Society provides a focus for cooperative activities, including the promotion of product safety engineering for the benefit of humanity.This society targets design professionals and design engineers interested in electrical product safety. The IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society addresses safety engineering for equipment and devices used in the scientific, engineering, industrial, commercial and residential arenas. It allows engineers and other technical professionals an opportunity to discuss and disseminate technical information, to enhance professional skills, and to provide outreach to engineers, students and others with an interest in the field.Virtual:

IEEE Region 4 Nexus 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

The Region 4 Nexus conference is the premier event for Students and Young Professionals in the MidWest USA. Join us in person to hear from our fantastic speakers and relevant panels. Those who attend in person will also enjoy workshops, competitions, and a showcase of companies and IEEE opportunities. Join us in Milwaukee March 8th - March 11th for an event you don't want to miss.As updates become available, they will be added to the Region 4 Nexus website: by: Region 4Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

IEEE Region 4 Nexus 2024

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

The Region 4 Nexus conference is the premier event for Students and Young Professionals in the MidWest USA. Join us in person to hear from our fantastic speakers and relevant panels. Those who attend in person will also enjoy workshops, competitions, and a showcase of companies and IEEE opportunities. Join us in Milwaukee March 8th - March 11th for an event you don't want to miss.As updates become available, they will be added to the Region 4 Nexus website: by: Region 4Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

Officer Training 2024 (part 7 of 7)


In 2024 we will offer ‘Officer Training’ to our ‘newly’ elected AND veteran officers and volunteers; as well as any IEEE member, at any grade level or position. Our wish is to help all gain a fuller awareness of the communication and management skills used within the IEEE, how they function and how to employ them both as IEEE officers, and in your everyday work and life. These are referred to as ‘soft skills’ in that they are not based on the physical principles we all learned as we worked toward our engineering degrees. They are psychological, organizational, interpersonal and their training requires that they be ‘learned’ in two associated ways. The first part is an appreciation of the principles and techniques involved. That is usually part of a class or study covering the basics (theory) of the method. That part we intend to offer in the form of ‘on-line’ classes and reference study material. The second part requires putting the ‘theory’ into active practice. We often liken this to learning a sport, such as playing a game of tennis. No amount of ‘book study’ can teach you how it feels to swing a racket, or how to know when your swing connects perfectly, and the ball goes exactly where you intended. Those elements of a skill only come with practice! Classes: As an introduction to the ‘theory’ portion of these skills, we will offer a set of virtual classes supported by study materials available through the ( and the ( The virtual classes will begin in the 2nd week of January 2024 and conclude end of February of that year. Each class will be conducted via WebEx/Zoom as an overview’ of the topic ‘de jour’ and a discussion or Q&A session to answer questions and clarify issues. (See the agenda below:) Note: Space for these classes is not like outer space, it is limited, so you must register to receive the necessary codes and passwords to attend. Co-sponsored by: Kimball Williams Speaker(s): Sharan Kalwani Agenda: Day Date General Topic/Theme Primary Focus Areas covered Duration Sat 1/13/2024 vTools Communications Volunteer tools/resources for the Primary Teams 2 Hrs Sat 1/20/2024 Collabratec Communications Primary & Extended Team 2 Hrs Sat 1/27/2024 Leadership Chair Chair Duties / Responsibilities 2 Hrs Sat 2/3/2024 Leadership V-Chair Vice-Chair Duties & Responsibilities 2 Hrs Sat 2/10/2024 Leadership Secretary Secretary Duties & Responsibilities 2 Hrs Sat 2/17/2024 Leadership Treasurer Treasurer Duties & Responsibilities 2 Hrs Sat 3/9/2024 Leadership Extended Team IEEE code of Ethics (updated) 2 Hrs Virtual: