Twin Cities Section Consultant's Network Meeting (In Person)
March 12 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm EDT
Join us in person for pizza and a discussion sponsored by the Twin Cities Consulting Network. The event is FREE but we need you to register to get an accurate count to order the pizza. You will have an opportunity to meet others and get your questions answered. Bruce Hanson will be giving a presentation on how to create your own business cards. The four officers for the Consultant Network will be introduced. We hope you can make it.
All IEEE Members and Non-Members are welcome to the IEEE Twin Cities Consultant's Network Meetings.
Companies are welcome to join and share any needs they have in the way of consultants.
Speaker(s): Bruce Hanson
6:00 Welcome and start eating pizza!
Tom Relling
6:30 Consultant Network’s Purpose
Tom Relling
6:45 Share the results of the Consultant’s Survey
John Berkner
7:00 Business Card Creation Presentation
Bruce Hanson
7:30 Questions
Tom Relling
Room: Community Program Room, Bldg: Roseville Public Library, 2180 Hamline Ave N, Roseville, Minnesota, United States