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SEM Section ExCom Monthly Meeting (IN PERSON) For MARCH 2025

March 13, 2025 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm EDT

The IEEE Southeastern Michigan Section Monthly ExCom (Executive Committee) Meeting (every 2nd Thursday of the month) same time 6:30 PM EST/EDT (This is an IN PERSON/hybrid meeting, unless stated otherwise).
We will discuss Section mission objectives, guidance, direction, as well as all the chapter/affinity groups/student branches and section committee reports, events, plans, opportunities to assist each other and help create value for our members. All IEEE members are welcome to attend, but they do need to register in order to receive the webex details.
Co-sponsored by: Sharan Kalwani
Speaker(s): Christopher Johnson, Sharan Kalwani
Published on google drive – link sent each month via email to ALL the chapter/Affinity Group/Student Branch/Committee chairs. Ensure you are listed on the ExCom listserv as well (contact secretary@ieee-sem.org in case of doubt)
Room: Suite 450, Bldg: Engineering Society of Detroit, 20700 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan, United States, 48076, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/443667