Our Newsletter

We are proud to present to you the second edition of the 2024 R4 newsletter that you can now access from this webpage. Do feel free to download, browse and share. We invite articles of interest to all our IEEE community. Events, activities, milestones are welcome. Contact the editor for further details.

2024 – Issue 02 Region 4 Newsletter

2024 – Issue 01 Region 4 Newsletter

The newsletter relies on the contributions of our members and officers, so please do not be shy. If you have something that should be shared with the rest of the region, we want to give you that opportunity. We always encourage all Region officers to share news of activities (both past and future) in their arenas. Please feel free to share any and all information so your peers, colleagues can hear about all the good work you do.

Yes, we have rejuvenated the newsletter, but beyond that we are looking for a very catchy and interesting name. Send your suggestions to Sharan Kalwani (sharan.kalwani@ieee.org.

Our Newsletter Editor – Communications Coordinator for Region 4 is Sharan Kalwani.
Comments and suggestions may be sent to the editor: sharan.kalwani@ieee.org