Officer Duties

Section Officer Duties

Volunteer Position Description of Responsibilities
Section Chair Supervise all activities of the Section. Preside at all Section Executive Committee Meetings. Prepare and distribute an agenda prior to all Section Executive Committee meetings. Appoint special committees as necessary. Represent the Section on the Region 4 Executive Committee. Act as liaison between the Section and IEEE. Be the liaison with the Region Director and IEEE MGA. Appoint the Section Nominating Committee, subject to approval of the Section Executive Committee and Junior Past Chair, to select candidates for the annual Section elections. May respond on behalf of the Section to policy or procedure questions without prior approval of the Section Executive Committee to the extent that time may preclude prior formal approval. All such responses are subject to approval by the Section Executive Committee.

Appoint with approval of the Section Executive Committee, non-voting committee chairs: Women-In-Engineering (WIE) Chair; Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Chair; Section Advisor; Communications Committee Chair; Webmaster; Awards Committee Chair; ESD Affiliate Council Representative.

Section Vice Chair Perform the duties of Chair in the Chair’s absence. Perform the duties of Chair of the Spring and Fall Section Conference. Act as Chair-Elect.
Section Secretary Record and publish minutes of all Section Executive Committee meetings. Coordinate all section correspondence with external organizations. Preside at meetings in absence of both Chair and Vice Chair. Maintain official roster of Section membership. Properly file L31 reports of Section Meetings. Maintain an official inventory of all Section equipment. Maintain the Section Procedures document. Properly file results of elections of new Section officers, Directors, and Chapter Chairs. Be the liaison with the Region Secretary.
Section Treasurer Control all Section bank accounts and other monetary assets, as determined by the Section Executive Committee. Submit a Section Budget proposal based on budget requests submitted by Chapters, Section Committees, and officers by the December Section Executive Committee Meeting. Keep records of all receipts and disbursements of the Section in accordance with the approved budget and Executive Committee Approvals. Make disbursement to officers, directors, committee chairs, members, and others upon presentation of a properly prepared Request for Payment Form. Keep a separate account for each budget category showing the amount budgeted, spent, and the balance. Present Section records for audit upon completion of his term of office. Attend all Section Executive Committee Meetings. Prepare monthly reports on the financial condition of Section for each Section Executive Committee meeting. Prepare IEEE L50 financial report of the Section as of December 31. Arrange for review of the Section finances twice per year. Be the liaison with the Region Treasurer.
Junior Past Section Chair Serve as Chair of Section Nominating Committee. Serve as member of Section Executive Committee. Serve in advisory capacity on all Section activities. Conduct the annual election of Section and Chapter Officers. Nominations for officers shall be made no later than August 1. Elections will be conducted in October and results announced no later that the Fall Section Conference.
Senior Past Section Chair Serve in an advisory capacity on Section activities.
Director of Membership Activities Oversee all programs for section membership recruitment. Coordinate all advertising of IEEE at external events. Maintain the Section Membership database. Be the liaison with the Region Membership Chair. Directors are elected for two-year terms. Membership, Professional, and Technical Activities are elected in odd-numbered years, Educational and Student Activities are elected in even-numbered years.
Director of Professional Activities Directs the functions of the Professional Activities Committee. The purpose of the Section Professional Activities Committee is to assist our members in career related aspects. Our Section has identified five major areas: (1) help promote a professional environment for employed engineers; (2) improve the professional status of the engineer and public’s awareness of the engineering profession; (3) improve the accessibility of local courses, lecture series, and refresher courses for professional engineering registration; (4) increase the public’s understanding of the role of electrical technology toward enhancing the, quality of life; and (5) provide job search assistance to unemployed engineers.

Providing PACE speaker at the Section Conferences. Providing PACE speakers throughout the year. Be the liaison with the Region PACE Chair. Be the liaison with the IEEE-USA.

Directors are elected for two-year terms. Membership, Professional, and Technical Activities are elected in odd-numbered years, Educational and Student Activities are elected in even-numbered years.

Director of Technical Activities Oversee and coordinate the activities of all the Section’s Chapters to assure their smooth operation. Oversee the development of new Chapters and mentoring developing chapters. Assist chapter chairs in filing IEEE L31 meeting reports. Be the liaison with the Region Technical Activities Chair. Be the liaison with the IEEE Technical Societies and Technical Councils. Be the liaison with the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB).Directors are elected for two-year terms. Membership, Professional, and Technical Activities are elected in odd-numbered years, Educational and Student Activities are elected in even-numbered years.
Director of Educational Activities Provide a student track presentation at the section conferences. Provide IEEE educational programs throughout the year. Be the liaison with the Region Educational Activities Chair. Be the liaison with the IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB).Directors are elected for two-year terms. Membership, Professional, and Technical Activities are elected in odd-numbered years, Educational and Student Activities are elected in even-numbered years.
Director of Student Activities Supervise all correspondence with student branches throughout the section. Assist the Director of Educational Activities in providing a student track presentation at every section meeting. Mentor student branches when necessary. Assist in arranging college student programs. Assist in coordinating interschool branch activities. Be the liaison with the Region Student Activities Chair. Directors are elected for two-year terms. Membership, Professional, and Technical Activities are elected in odd-numbered years, Educational and Student Activities are elected in even-numbered years.
Women In Engineering (WIE) Chair * Provide a WIE track presentation at the section conferences. Provide WIE speakers and presentations throughout the year. Be the liaison with the Region WIE Chair.
Young Professionals* Provide a Young Professionals track presentation at the section conferences. Provide Young Professionals activities and presentations throughout the year. Be the liaison with the Region Young Professionals Chair.
Newsletter Editor * Publish the Wavelengths Newsletter. Be the liaison with the Region Communications Chair.
Webmaster * Maintain the Section Website. Be the liaison with the Region Webmaster.
Director of Marketing * Review and approve all marketing and public relations.
Awards Committee Chair * Gather nominations for annual Professional Engineer award, outstanding section involvement award, outstanding student involvement award, outstanding student branch award, outstanding chapter award. Be the liaison with the Region Awards Chair.
ESD Affiliate Council Representative* Represent the Section at the ESD AC meetings.

* – Note: appointed positions.

Chapter Officer Duties

Volunteer Position Description of Responsibilities
Chapter Chairs and Chapter Officers Represent their chapter at the Section Executive Committee meetings. If the Chapter Chair cannot attend, he/she is responsible for insuring that another chapter officer attends in his/her place. Hold at least two meeting per year. File IEEE L31 meeting reports for all chapter meetings. File chapter officer nominations with the Section Junior Past Chair. File speaker information for the Spring and Fall Section Conferences with the Section Vice Chair by the deadline. Present monthly activity reports to the section. Present monthly financial reports to the section.
Chapter Vice Chairs Act as Chair when Chair cannot, including attending monthly Section Executive Committee meetings. Support the Chapter Chair in planning and carrying out Chapter activities.
Chapter Secretary File IEEE L31 meeting reports for all chapter meetings. Present monthly activity reports to the section.
Chapter Treasurer Present monthly financial reports to the section.
Vice Chair of Member Benefits * Assist the Chapter Chair by helping your chapter members get more out of their IEEE membership benefits. IEEE has many, many benefits. So much so that we need constant reminders and updated information about member services and benefits. Learn about all of the member benefits available to IEEE members. Interface with the IEEE organization, the IEEE staff, and the IEEE Engineering Management Society to obtain benefit information. Distribute benefit information to chapter members through email and at seminars, including items such as membership grades, technical publications, and conferences in other IEEE technical societies.
Vice Chair of Technical Society Activities (TAB) * Assist the Chapter Chair by helping your chapter members get more out of their membership in the Society. Learn about all of the technical activities offered by the Society. Interface with the IEEE staff, the Society, and Society officers and volunteers in other Sections and Regions. Obtain information on activities and share it with chapter members through emails and at seminars, including items such as technical publications and conferences offered by the Society.
Vice Chair of Section Activities (MGA, formerly RAB) * Assist the Chapter Chair by helping your chapter members get the most out of their membership in the local Southeastern Michigan area. Interface with the IEEE Section officers and volunteers. Obtain information on activities in the Section and Region and share it with chapter members through emails and at seminars, including items such as local seminars and conferences. Provide the Section information on your Chapter’s recent and up coming activities. Represent your Chapter at the Section Executive Committee (ExCom) monthly officer meetings. (Other officers can also represent the chapter.)

* – Note: Not all chapter have all of these positions. Consult the individual chapter.

Yearly Planning Calendar

Month Activities
  • Annual Officers Training Chapters NOM
  • Second Tuesday ExCom Meeting (date moved 1 week) Chapters
    • Transfer Concentration Bank Account Signatures $
    • Begin Annual Treasurer L50 report $
    • Appoint Committee Chairs
    • Select Outstanding Professional Awardee, send info to ESD Gold Award Awards
    • VOTE: Annual Section Budget approval $ Chapters
    • Call for SEFMD Science Fair Judges for February Edu
  • Third Wednesday ESD Affiliate Council Meeting
  • Third Saturday IEEE Membership Development Telecon Mem
  • Thursday January XX Future City Judging Edu
  • Friday-Sunday, January XX Region4 Meeting R4
      • First Monday ExCom Meeting Chapters
        • Solicit chapter speakers for Spring Section Conference Chapters Tech Spring
        • Open Nominations for Fall Section Conference Keynote Speaker Fall
        • REPORT: on Region4 Meeting R4
        • Select Remaining Section Awards for Spring Section Conference Awards
        • VOTE: Select Attendees for ESD Gold Award Banquet Awards
      • Thursday, February XX, ESD Gold Award Banquet Awards

Thursday, February XX, SEFMD Science Fair Judging


  • Saturday, February XX, File Annual IEEE Finance Report, form L50 $
  • Third Saturday IEEE Membership Development Telecon Mem
  • Friday-Sunday, Feb XX – Mar XX, IEEE~USA Annual Meeting
  • First Tuesday ExCom Meeting Chapters
    • Select a date and keynote speaker for the Fall Section Conference Fall
    • DEADLINE: for all previous year’s Chapter Meeting Reports, Form L31 Chapters
    • REPORT: on IEEE~USA Annual Meeting
  • Third Wednesday ESD Affiliate Council Meeting
  • Third Saturday IEEE Membership Development Telecon Mem
  • Second Monday ExCom Meeting (moved back one week) Chapters
    • DEADLINE: Chapter speaker info due for Spring Section Conference Chapters Tech Spring
    • DEADLINE: Spring Section Conference booklet info due Spring
    • Begin early registration for Spring Section Conference Spring
  • April XX, Spring Section Conference Chapters Tech Stu Spring
  • April XX, Annual Student Graduation Celebration Stu
  • Third Wednesday ESD Affiliate Council Meeting
  • Third Saturday IEEE Membership Development Telecon Mem
  • First Tuesday ExCom Meeting Chapters
    • Annual Professional Development PACE Workshop Registration Pro
    • REPORT: on Spring Section Conference $ Spring
  • Third Wednesday ESD Affiliate Council Meeting
  • ExCom Meeting (voted – no meeting in June or July)
  • Solicit Information from Chapter Chairis for Officer Nominations Chapters NOM
  • Annual Professional Development PACE Workshop Pro
  • Third Wednesday ESD Affiliate Council Meeting & Networking
  • Third Saturday IEEE Membership Development Telecon Mem
  • Open nominations for next year’s Section and Chapter officer elections Chapters NOM
  • ExCom Meeting (voted – no meeting in June or July)
  • Third Saturday IEEE Membership Development Telecon Mem
  • First Monday ExCom Meeting Chapters
    • Open Nominations for Section Awards for Fall Conference Awards Fall
    • Open Nominations for Spring Section Conference Keynote Speaker Spring
    • Solicit chapter speakers for Fall Section Conference Chapters Fall
    • REPORT: on Annual Professional Development PACE Workshop Pro
  • Third Saturday IEEE Membership Development Telecon Mem
  • Second Tuesday ExCom Meeting (date moved 1 week) Chapters
  • Informational Meeting for Members Interesting in Running for Office NOM
  • Third Wednesday ESD Affiliate Council Meeting
  • Third Saturday IEEE Membership Development Telecon Mem
  • Thursday-Monday, Sep XX, IEEE Sections Congress, Region4 Mtg (only in 2005, 2008, 2011, …) R4 SC
  • First Monday ExCom Meeting Chapters
    • DEADLINE: Chapter speaker info due for Fall Section Conference Chapters Tech Fall
    • DEADLINE: Fall Section Conference booklet info due Fall
    • Begin early registration for Fall Section Conference Fall
    • Select a date and keynote speaker for the Spring Section Conference Spring
    • Open Nominations for Outstanding Professional (for ESD Award & Spring Conference) Awards
    • Solicit requests for next year’s Section budget $ Chapters
    • REPORT: on Region 4 Meeting, Sections Congress (only in 2005, 2008, 2011, …) R4 SC
  • Email Draft Election Ballot to Members NOM
  • Third Wednesday ESD Affiliate Council Meeting
  • Third Saturday IEEE Membership Development Telecon Mem
  • November XX, Fall Section Conference Chapters Tech Stu Fall
  • First Tuesday ExCom Meeting Chapters
    • Call for Future City Judges for January Edu
    • Open Nominations for attendees for January Region 4 meeting R4
    • Open Nominations for attendees for Sections Congress (only in 2004, 2007, 2010, …) R4 SC
    • Open Nominations for Section Awards for Spring Conference Awards Spring
    • Open Nominations for venue for January Annual Officers’ Dinner Meeting
    • Open Nominations for Attendees for IEEE~USA Annual Meeting
    • VOTE: Ratify Election ballot NOM
  • Third Wednesday ESD Affiliate Council Meeting
  • Third Saturday IEEE Membership Development Telecon Mem
  • Officer Election Voting, tally ballots NOM
  • First Monday ExCom Meeting and Chapters
    • Open Nominations for Attendees for ESD Gold Award Banquet Awards
    • DEADLINE: for final year-end reimbursements from Section Treasurer Chapters $
    • VOTE: Select attendees for January Region 4 meeting R4
    • VOTE: Select attendees for September Sections Congress (only in 2004, 2007, 2010, …) R4 SC
    • VOTE: Select attendees for IEEE~USA Annual Meeting
    • Distribute draft of next year’s Section budget $
    • Announce date, venue, & registration deadline for annual officers dinner in January Chapters
    • REPORT: on Fall Section Conference $ Fall
  • Monday, December XX, Deadline for registration for January Annual Officers’ Dinner Meeting Chapters
  • Third Wednesday ESD Affiliate Council Meeting
  • Third Saturday IEEE Membership Development Telecon Mem

* – Legend:

$ Financial, treasurer
Awards Section Awards
Chapters Technical Chapter Participation
DEADLINE: Important deadline
Edu Pre-College and Educational Activities
ExCom Section Executive Committee
Fall Fall Section Conference
Mem Membership Activities
Pro Professional Activities
R4 Region 4 Meeting
REPORT: Major activity report
SC Sections Congress
Spring Spring Section Conference
Stu Student Activities
Tech Technical Activities
U S A IEEE-USA Annual Meeting
NOM Nominations and Elections
VOTE: ExCom votes on important issue