"Cybersocial Third Friday" is a monthly reoccurring networking/social meetup hosted by the IEEE R4 Iowa-Illinois Section and Computer Society Chapter. Join us for social hour and see your friends and colleagues. Cybersocial is a monthly event held the third Friday of each month. You don't need to be a Computer Society member or even an IEEE member to join us. Open to all engineers and technical professionals. Agenda: We plan to meet IN PERSON at Five Cities in Bettendorf. Five Cities Brewery , Bettendorf, Iowa, United States, 52722
The IEEE Iowa-Illinois section will be doing pop-up socials outside the Quad Cities this year! This IEEE Night Out pop-up event will be held at Barrel House restaurant in Dubuque starting at 5pm. Join us for a social hour in person and see your friends and colleagues! Barrel House 299 Main St. Dubuque, IA 52001 Agenda: We plan to meet in person at Barrelhouse Dubuque at 5pm. 299 Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa, United States, 52001