The Spectrum spanning Quantum Computing to Fashion: Perspectives of a physicist artist!!


Women in Photonics, Silicon Valley, in collaboration with IEEE Young Professionals (YP) and IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE), Miami section affinity groups are proud to present an event titled: "The Spectrum spanning Quantum Computing to Fashion: Perspectives of a physicist artist!!" We are delighted to have Dr. Kitty Y. M. Yeung as our speaker. She is a physicist, engineer, artist, fashion designer, maker and musician. She currently works as a Sr. Quantum Architect at Microsoft Quantum Systems. She's the producer of Microsoft's quantum learning materials, including the MS Learn quantum modules and the Quantum Learning website; author of comic series Quantum Computing & Some Physics; lecturer at HackadayU and Microsoft Reactor on Quantum Computing. To drive integration between science and art, she also founded a sustainable and STEAM fashion brand, Art by Physicist, and leads the Fashion Hack at Microsoft. Speaker(s): Dr. Kitty Y. M. Yeung, Virtual: