Boost Your Professional Success through Personal Development Principles

As the end of the year approaches, we have an opportunity to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going. Professional success is a journey. It’s a series of steps with challenges and growth phases.

Where are you on your Success Journey? Are you beginning a new mission? Are you stuck in a rut? Are you turning a corner? Are you nearing the finish line? Are you catching your breath before your next adventure?

Join us for an interactive workshop that is focused on you and your Success Journey.

The sign at the trailhead warns, “Distant Goal – Might Be Too Far” because many people set out unprepared. Others read the warning and abandon hope. They never begin. The first part of this workshop will help you see clearly where you are now, so you can choose your best next move.

The second part of the workshop will focus on your inner resources, i.e., your resourcefulness. Once you declare a goal, your chance of success rises dramatically when you commit to taking one step after another, until you reach your goal, or discover a better one. A different goal, one that you couldn’t see from the trailhead, may align better with your definition of success.

Either way, you need to leave the safety of the trailhead parking lot.

Let’s spend a powerful hour together to review your year and prepare for 2022. We will devote half of the time to exploring your Success Journey and sharing insights in a small breakout group.

Workshop Goals:
1. Establish credibility/clarity/certainty about your current situation
2. Strengthen your confidence in your ability to pursue your vision

This is a no-fee workshop. Are you ready to boost your professional success?

Click the link below to register. It’s the first step in the next phase of your journey:

Previous workshops have been highly rated by IEEE PES members.  This is a great opportunity to prepare yourself for success in 2022.

Alex Flueck, Illinois Tech

Dr. Alex Flueck is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology. He has been a member of the faculty for 25 years, since receiving his PhD degree from Cornell University in 1996. He has launched several innovative courses, including (1) an undergraduate course on the design of autonomous robots, (2) two graduate courses on algorithms for optimizing various capabilities of the power grid, (3) a graduate course on the fundamentals of probability for power system reliability, (4) a graduate short-course on the IEEE standards and applications of synchrophasor technology, and (5) a graduate course on AI in Smart Grid.

Dr. Flueck has led a variety of research projects as Principal Investigator, totaling more than $4 million, including (1) Available Transfer Capability of Deregulated Power Systems, (2) IIT Research Experiences for Teachers Site: Corps of Educators and Workshop, (3) Local Area Monitoring System for Microgrids, (4) Faster than Real-Time Dynamics Simulation for Predicting Power System Behavior, (5) A Tool Suite for Improving Reliability and Performance of Combined Transmission-Distribution under High Solar Penetration, and (6) Protection and Dynamic Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Cascading Failures.

Alex has been teaching and coaching high-achievers in their 20s for three decades.  After his parents passed (both in their 70s), he began studying personal development topics as he explored questions that couldn’t be answered in the lab (e.g., what is my life vision and who can help me achieve it?).  In 2019, he founded his professional coaching practice, but still didn’t know which specialty to pursue.  In 2021, he created a leadership integrity program to help executives and entrepreneurs integrate each and every part of their personality, especially the exiled parts, to better lead themselves and their teams.


Dec 15, 2021 @ 12pm-1pm Central Time


Advance registration is required for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.