Society Chapters consist of IEEE members who share and promote technical interests in geographical proximity. Chapter activities may include guest speakers, workshops, and seminars as well as social functions.

Cedar Rapids Chapters provide members with valuable opportunities to network at a local level, enabling their personal and professional growth in a narrower field. Technical societies include Power and Energy Society (PES), Communications Society, Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT), Computer Society and the EMC Society. Special interest Chapters are Eastern Iowa Consultants Network, Young Professionals, WIE Women in Engineering, U of I and UNI Student Branches, K-12 STEM, and Life Members.

The following is a list of our Chapters, Affinity Groups and Student Branches:


R400 (Region 4 - No Council)Type: CouncilURL:
R4 (Central USA - Region 4)Type: RegionURL:
CH04004 (Cedar Rapids Section Chapter, C16)Type: ChapterURL:
CH04082 (Cedar Rapids/Cen Iowa Jt. Section Chapter, MTT17)Type: Joint Chapter
YP40003 (Cedar Rapids Section Affinity Group, YP)Type: Affinity
LM40003 (Cedar Rapids Section Affinity Group, LM)Type: Affinity
CH04140 (Cedar Rapids Section Chapter, EMC27)Type: Chapter
WE40003 (Cedar Rapids Section Affinity Group, WIE)Type: Affinity
STB18072 (Univ of Northern Iowa)Type: Student Branch
CH04136 (Cedar Rapids Section Chapter, PE31)Type: Chapter
CH04134 (Cedar Rapids Section Chapter, COM19)Type: Chapter
CN40003 (Cedar Rapids Section Affinity Group, CN)Type: Affinity
STB00771 (University of Iowa)Type: Student Branch
HKN033 (University of Iowa, Beta Iota)Type: Affinity