Cedar Rapids IEEE ProCon

IEEE ProCon (Professional Development Conference) has been offered annually from 1998 – 2019 by the Cedar Rapids Section of IEEE. The conference has always been open not only to electrical and electronics engineers but also to other engineers and managers of all disciplines as well as to all technical and business professionals. It is a specific goal of ProCon to offer soft skills training to the wider technical and business community as well as to IEEE members.

From the beginning, ProCon has been a one-day, two track conference with a practical orientation. In recent years, the format has consisted of half- and full-day workshops. ProCon has been very well received by attendees: overall evaluations of the conferences have ranged between 4.2 and 4.5 on a scale of 5.0.

In 2020, we were forced to cancel ProCon due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We’re hoping to bring ProCon back soon!

Past event info:

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